David's Demos

The former address was www.thebandwizdum.com






(12 more are in the works)

(for some Rockin' Soxx Trivia, scroll way down)






So, what the hell is new?

First official merch!   


$13.25 each + 2.50 shipping.


Feb 15 2022 - Music Video News:

In this Psuedo-Blog, I am listing new stuff on top so, I am sure its a bit disjointed and so forth but, it is what it is. I am still learning Blender. I am starting to model objects that will be in the scenes. I am able to make rough animatics. So, things that I have had in my imagination for over 20 years are finally coming together. But, I am still looking at thousands of hours of work.


Dec 22 2020 - Music Video News:

“The Vapor Trail” video project is still underway. This video is heavy in CGI and I cant quite afford to farm it out. So, I have hundreds of hours in learning and modeling in Blender. (3d Modeling software) I would guess there is a couple-few thousand more man hours left to go. wow-wee. But, I have also started on Video #2, "Like a Dog." Like Video #1, this one will lean to the humorous side.

I haven't shared any new demos for a while so, here is one. "Ah-Sus-Sah". It has a wacky title because that gibberish was rolling through my head, in harmony, while I was cutting grass. I doubt if this one will ever evolve into a proper song, nor a video.



Nov 13 2019 - Music Video News:

As a few of you may know, I monkey around with writing music and music videos. Two years ago, I announced I will be doing 13 videos and I kicked it off with the release of video #1- “Rockin’ Soxx”. With having close to 50 songs, it’s going to be a hard choice on which tune will be video #2. But I do know which song will be #13. I have been working on the song, “The Vapor Trail” for about 22 years. Over time, this song has evolved into something I consider, rather special. And unquestionably, worthy of a video.
From the song’s inception, I have dreamed up vague video concepts and elements. But, all in my mind’s eye. Recently, I assembled some simple place-holder elements into a video story board. Even in its rough form, it was a magical moment to see two decades of mysterious puzzle pieces fall into place. Its clear this one should be the Grand Finally of the series. The stark reality is, producing this video will be a serious challenge. But, I have a formidable tenacity…it’s going to happen.
So today, Nov 13 2019, I am announcing:
“The Vapor Trail” video is in Pre-Production.
Tentative Release Date: Nov 13th 2025.




 There are hundreds of Photoshop elements in the video.....several hundred .....many are barely noticeable.
This project did, in fact, take over 632 hours. And that is not including writing & recording the song.
The song was written on the red guitar seen @3:00 in 1990/91. It was originally metallic blue, hard tail and ebony fretboard.
The song was written in the back room of the garage. (Behind the Atlast wall)
There are 51 versions (changes, mixes. ect) of the Rockin' Soxx song.
As of Nov 2019, no one has guessed all the personas. :)
The scene from 2:46 through 3:17 was filmed just before the eclipse and just after. My studio was uncomfortably hot. probably just as hot as the original movie set was.
The Stunt Hoagie used in this episode is now available on eBay. 50% is going to charity.
@7:49 I was making eye contact with Rockie the Cat. Coincidently, he later left the house and did come back for an unprecedented 3 days.
@6:26 The nebula is in the shape of Soxx's tattoo.
This was the most difficult project I have ever done....and the most fun.
What's next for Episode #2?
hahha... I dunno yet. I just wrote a new, rock-cliché love song and perhaps it would be good to do an episode more "universal."
I agree, episode #1 is aimed toward guitar culture.
When is Episode #2 coming out?
Wow, good question but, it is a matter of economics. Once songs are posted for sale on iTunes, ect, perhaps there will some return to get #2 in motion. BUT sharing is free and adds momentum.





Here is an older Demo...yup its rough.



Current Digital Audio Workstation:

ASRock x570 Taichi

AMD 5950

Samsung SSD 980 Pro NVMe


GeForce RTX 3090

Windows 11 64bit

Cakewalk Sonar

RME Babyface Pro FS USB

I don't have a treated room for mixing. I knew I had "something wrong" with how the monitors sounded. This software called "Sonarworks Reference 4" fixes the curve by sampling whole room with a suppiled mic. And then calculating an EQ curve that is ran on your master or a bus.
This is a must-have.


I run Neumann KH120A Monitors.

Amazon link

The wizdum band name? In 7th grade I misspelled "wisdom" on a spelling test. I phonetically answered WIZDUM. The irony was hysterical to me. I did legally register the band name in 2006. But it seems a LOT of kids use that name.

The Logo?
in 2003, I was goofing around with Photoshop and this was something I didn't delete. I thought I would come up with something better but, so far I haven't.

  When I see it, it boosts my mood.

A few notes to share to my fellow axe slingers:
I have tried many brands of strings over the years. D'Addario NYXLs are my favorite, by a Parsec.

 10-46 Amazon link
09-46 Amazon link

Dunlop Max-Grips are the only pick that stays put between by fingers.
But, they aren't quite perfect. I came up with an improved design. One of these days I will either submit it to Dunlop or have them manufactured myself.

 Amazon link

I have used a DiMarzio Tone Zone DP155F pickup in the bridge of all my main axes since I can remember....20 years?

Amazon link



A page about the amazing, colossal
 Suzuki DR650

Who is Soxx?
Check out his Photoshop Adventures:

(The former address of the page was www.thebandwizdum.com)